Un-Stacking The Shelves (4)

Please read!
Un-Stacking The Shelves is my version of Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's dedicated to removing the books from my shelves, not adding to them and so the books mentioned below are the ones I read this week. Hopefully I'll get some of my book hoard read this way!
This week is one of the most exciting weeks for me of the year and of any year! Why? It's...


I love Eurovision. I spend all year talking about it and watch all the semi finals and have Opinions about all the different acts. My favourite to win this year is Austria, all due to this (bearded) lady:

You clicked on it after you saw bearded right? Her name's Conchita Wurst and it's about time Eurovision got some diversity. Azerbaijan won with some almost incest the other year but that doesn't count. Although these guys won in 2006:

Ah, Lordi. One of the many bands of my emo phase.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to talk about books here. Eurovision week sends my brain to mush. Before I do, I just want to tell you about this post, where I discuss the creepy trend of abusive relationships in YA and how they seem to have become acceptable. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Read This Week

Some seriously amazing books! Dangerous Girls and Paper Dolls just Blew. My. Mind. I need more like these! Reviews for all these books should be coming up in a week or so.

I have had a copy of Kaspar lying around forever and it suddenly occured to me when I finally picked it up to read it to take the dust jacket off. And look what I found!

This design is seriously gorgeous. I would love it as a tattoo or something, if I wasn't scared of sharp objects, clean environments and people.

If anyone comments telling me to enjoy my new books, I will be forced to reply sarcastically...

Vickie x


  1. Anonymous8:49 am BST

    Dangerous Girls sounds very similar to Cartwheel, which is a book I picked up this week! Glad you enjoyed it, as it sounds really intriguing!

    1. Ohh does it? I'm going to go find Cartwheel then!

  2. Anonymous8:57 am BST

    I'm not going to tell you to enjoy your new books, don't worry ;-) I am going to tell you that I LOVED Dangerous Girls and can't wait to read your review!

    1. Same! I did find the jumping back and forth a little too excessive, which I why I rated it 4/5.

  3. Anonymous9:09 am BST

    I'm also excited about eurovision! Haven't heard almost any of the songs this year and I'm only going to watch the finals on Saturday, but I've heard that Armenia and Sweden are favorites. My all time favorite song was euphoria, though! I still love listening to it!

    1. Hope you liked the winner! I wasn't sure about Conchita when I first heard the song but I think it works really well on that stage.

  4. Eurovision!!! I sat through the semi-finals and I think my favorite at the moment is the Netherlands. I think Conchita is wonderful - beard and all - but (don't hate me) I don't really like the song, definitely think she'll win though and I'm quite confident that after hearing our song only once the UK will be getting nil points or somewhere close to it! Can't wait for tonight! Oooh, how was Glaze? I'm just starting it as I'm on the blog tour but so far I like it.

    *off to listen to Lordi, purely for nostalgic purposes*

    1. I also sat through the semi finals... and listened to all the songs when they were announced on Youtube... but I'm not that obsessed honest! When I first heard Conchita's song I didn't think much of it but I thought it worked really well for that stage.

      Well, we didn't receive zero, so it could have been worse! I loved how we made our flag though.

  5. My friend's brother is in a Eurovision club where they get together and score all the acts and every week they watch re-runs of previous years. I've never liked it myself! Anyway enjoy the show and enjoy your books!

    1. I don't watch re-runs (I think I'd be bored weirdly enough) but I get excited when all the acts are revealed each year! It's a lot of fun.

  6. This feature is so cool! I haven't read any of those books yet, but I'm glad that you enjoyed them so much! :D
    Divergent Gryffindor

    1. And somehow, I haven't bought any books in 2 weeks at least! Maybe it's working...

  7. "Sharp objects, clean environments, and people." Dude. YES. I am so with you there. I haven't actually heard of any of your books. o.O But then again I haven't been reading much these last 2 weeks, soooo. I feel behind!
    My StS!

    1. Glaze is like, super new and the others are a little obscure, I admit.

  8. I am definitely watching the Eurovision tonight as well - not as excited about it as the beginning of the Hockey World Cup, but it becomes as a good second... And oh my god Lordi... as a Finn, I think I've got a overdose of Lordi.
    Happy reading and enjoy the Eurovision! :)

    1. Oh gosh do I love Lordi. Did you see their appearance last night? I hate to say it but that really was one of the saddest museums I've ever seen. And I've seen a museum dedicated to lawnmowers.

  9. I haven't caught up with Eurovision this year, except for the fact that Jessica Mauboy was involved in it this year--even though Australia's not part of Europe ;)

    I've been looking for more contemporaries to check out and Dangerous Girl looks like it could be good. I'm finding them easier to get into than some paranormals and dystopians I've read lately.

    1. I'm kind of glad you're not, before she sang the dancers did this piece about Australia that was really cringy... kangaroos, beer etc everywhere. Every Australian stereotype you can think of.

  10. I am interested to see what you think of Paper Dolls.

    1. Hopefully I'll get the review written at some point today... :/

  11. I haven't read these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  12. Clearly, you haven't read my post either. Have a nice day.

  13. Enjoy your new books! Kidding! :) I get people that do this all the time with my Sunday Post, in which I talk about the books I've read and reviewed and not the books I added to my shelves. Why read posts when you can just cut and paste the same comment into EVERY SINGLE BLOG on the Linkup?

    I'm not at all familiar with Eurovision but I hope it lives up to your expectations! :) Also, that hardcover of Kaspar is *gorgeous*.

    Have a great week!

    Check out my STS and my current giveaways!

    1. This copy and pasting seems like fun, I might try it! Why write a meaningful comment like your when you can write a completely unrelated one and then advertise yourself? Perfect!

      Eurovision was PERFECT. Will visit your blog very soon!

  14. Anonymous5:55 pm BST

    I really need to get round to reading some of Kim Curran's stuff, a couple of people I know are very enthusiastic. Enjoy your reading for the week ahead -- I'll be interested to come back next week and see what you've tackled. It's a good idea, doing the meme this way: all the interaction, less of the buying new books, heh.

    Stacking the Shelves.

    1. I've read two of hers now... Shift and Glaze. They're both very unique, I recommend them!

  15. Ahhh the Eurovision. I promise myself every year I won't be watching it, and always do. I haven't seen the acts yet, so it'll all be new later on tonight. I can't believe Lordi was 2006! Geez, I feel old now!

    1. I feel old too... I think 2006 was when I really started watching Eurovision! Hope you liked the winner... or maybe even the runners up?

  16. That last comment almost provoked me to want to say 'Enjoy your reads'...lol. Seriously though I can't wait to see your reviews of your un-stacked books. :) I don't think I have heard of any of those.

    1. *brings out pitchfork* don't do it... :P

      I think I've reviewed.... one of these now. I'm behind on reviews which is something that never happens to me.

  17. The creepy/stalker boyfriend thing bugs me SO MUCH. This article about Hush Hush says it all: http://bookshop.livejournal.com/1032547.html

    I love surprises under dust jackets! That cat looks amazing :)

    - Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider Silk

    1. I read that article and I can happily say Hush Hush will never be getting reviewed on my blog because no. I wonder if the author is still writing, I don't think I've seen her since that series.

  18. I haven't heard of any of those books, but I'm looking them up Dangerous Girls and Paper Dolls now!

    1. Dollhouse is the first book of the dolls series, and I thought it was AMAZING. Paranormal elements that weren't too heavy, they concentrated more on the actual characters and character development. I'm now trying to devour this series as fast as possible!

  19. I havent heard of these but i hope you enjoy them

    If you are a mom, Happy Mother's day!

    OUT's STS

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

    1. I literally put my ratings of the book underneath the post where I talk about already reading the books like ten times. Did you just hit the 'end' button and click ctrl+v?

      I'm a mom to two cats but Mother's Day was two months ago...

  20. I want to read Glaze, so I am glad you liked it! And you have me very intrigued about Paper Dolls and Dangerous Girls, I hadn't heard of them before, I am looking forward to reading your full reviews! Also, I have a friend who lives in Ireland who keeps telling us about Eurovision and how obsessed she is too :) And, I read your post about the abusive relationships and I totally agree, and find it completely unappealing. Glad I'm not alone!

    1. I was really surprised when Ireland didn't get though this year, they almost always do!

  21. OH- I have to add- I am scared of all the same tattoo elements that you are, and I still have one. Because I don't know why, it was college. But, I fully plan on getting a Mockingjay one (I need money and courage!). Also, I am kind of loving your sarcastic comments on the C&Ps, I will probably be checking back for more tomorrow ;)

    1. I have no tattoos or piercings... I'm a very strange 22 year old I guess! Ooh, a mockingjay one would be lovely. I hope you find the courage, it would be so worth it!

      You should see the comment about yours...

  22. Dangerous Girls was great! Can't wait to read more from the author!

  23. I've no idea what Eurovision is, but I know my Twitter feed was blowing up about it. It certainly looks interesting. I've been meaning to read Dangerous Girls for forever. It just came out in PB, so that might have to happen sooner rather than later. Kasper's cover is really neat. I haven't heard of that book before. Enjoy your new books! (I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I actually read your entire post--I'm just a brat.)


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