Stacking The Shelves (06/09/2014)

This week has been strange. At the moment my brain is trying to convince me that it is in fact, a Friday and not a Saturday but everything else is telling me Saturday so I'll roll with it. We finally got the kitchen finished and our cooker and washer back! So glad to have it finished.
I started making and listing cross stitch patterns again. Other than my blog and reading, making and selling patterns is something I spend a lot of time on and really enjoy. I just reached 500 sales on my Etsy shop!

Acquired This Week

Money is really tight right now, but with a Waterstones gift card and a visit to the charity shop, I managed to grab these! I heard that Poison Study is going to be expanded into a 6 book series, so immediately started trying to own all of Maria's books. I started the Glass series but never finished it.

Read This Week

I did not read as many as I last week (like, 7 I think) but I'm pretty happy with what I read. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock wasn't quite what I was expecting but still a great read. I'm still plugging through the Darren Shan series! This is book 3, the writing is definitely improving.

Along For The Ride is... my first Sarah Dessen read! I think I chose a good one because I now want to go buy all the other books. Does this mean I'm part of the club now?

Wide Awake was good, but weighed down by the romance. It wasn't insta-love but I knew just from reading it that the author had written (maybe a few too many) slushy romances and it really got on my nerves after a while, reading about she nearly collapses when their tongues collide. Please stop.


  1. I like your owl! He's very cool...I've considered taking up cross stitching in the past but never got round to it. I'm also hoping to make a quilt based on my family and interests but again, haven't got round to it. I seem to be good at having ideas and never following through with it! Enjoy your books!

  2. The cross stitch patterns are so cool! Congrats on your 500th sale! The only one of your books I've read was Along for the Ride and I thought it was really good. I like Sarah's books and hope you enjoy the ones you read next!

    My StS!

  3. I'm sad Leonard Peacock wasn't as awesome as you hoped. It was really depressing and chilling, but I still loved it. I absolutely couldn't put it down and it made me nearly late for my job. lol! Congrats on your etsy store sales!!! That's amazing! I'm still at...2 sales. Hehe. I need to work a bit harder on it. ;)

    1. It was still awesome! Just a bit of a non-ending, you know? I loved the teacher though. I think Quick should write a sequel set 10-15 years later where Leonard IS the teacher and he helps someone else?

      I've had my shop for about 2 years now and put so much time and effort - and money - into it. It's paid off though!

  4. Congrats on your 500th Etsy sale, Vickie! That's awesome!
    You got some very nice-looking book this week, even on a tight budget, so that's good. Spy Glass really appeals to me...
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  5. Spy Glass appeals to me. You got some great stacks of books this week. I hope you love all of your books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. I loved the Snyder books I read but I haven't tried this series, I heard great things about it though. happy reading!

  7. I'm in love with your cross stitch patterns! I'm definitely going to have to buy some soon, and I love those blue birds designs.

    Book-wise, I didn't know there were going to be more Study books?!? How didn't I know this? I love that series, it's amazing. Maria V. Snyder is a great author. I hope you enjoy the Glass series. :)

  8. Oooh Mara V. Snyder is one of my favorites! I need to get the rest of the ones I'm missing.

    Erin @ The Book Nut

  9. 500 sales is awesome, congratulations! I should check out your site :D I have not heard of any of these books - though I am familiar with Sarah Dessen. I have not read any of her books though. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Check out my STS post!

  10. Congrats on your sales! I really enjoy Darren Shan's books. Enjoy them! My STS.

  11. Congratulations for reaching 500 sales on your Etsy shop. And I'm hoping for more sales to come. Those are really cute patterns you know. I am sorry but all the books in your haul are not familiar to me. But still, I hope you enjoy all of them. :D

    Have a fun weekend!

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens.

  12. Anonymous9:08 am BST

    I really like James Dawson's writing. I think I've loved everything he's had published so far! Congrats on your 500th sale!

  13. Whoo, congrats on the 500th sale! I haven't read any of Maria V Snyders yet (I should get to that) and only read Say Her Name by James Dawson (I tried Hollows Pike and couldn't get into it.) :( Happy reading! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  14. I love Sarah Dessen -- This Lullaby is my absolute favorite, but all her books are great!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics


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