Many Covers Monday - Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Today we're looking at the many different covers of Lauren Oliver's Delirium. Some are rejackets and others are foreign language covers.

Ninety-five days, and then I'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afraid while I'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet. Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't.

''Just stick some faces on it.'' I don't really like it when they just dump a face on a book. The US has an obsession with plant matter and faces and the cover on the left is no exception. However the UK cover is even more bizarre, seeming to choose a 13 year old for it's cover.

These two UK covers are almost exactly the same and the left looks like a draft version with the right being the finished version. I do like the idea of having writing over the face though and the birds are a nice touch.

Germany (left) and Croatia (right) must have accidentally used the same cover designer because these two covers look almost identical. I do like them a lot though, although I think Croatia's cover girl looks a little two old to be Lena.

I really like that these took a different take other than just sticking a face on it. On the right is the Dutch cover and my only worry is that it looks more like a contemporary read than a Dystopia. The UK cover on the left looks almost historical to me but is also very pretty to look at.

 Oh look, they're back! I think Spain on the left has used the same model on their cover, whereas Sweden on the right have taken the model, put her in a time machine and taken off 6 years. This type ofcover is a popular choice, there's also purple and black versions.

Oh my gosh, these are pretty. Indonesia on the left wins everything, I adore this cover even if it does make no sense. And Korea have gone with a face and plant matter but it's very, very pretty.

More faces here with Hungarian on the left and Greek on the right. I do love the Hungarian cover though, the greens are lovely.

(Left: Bulgarian, Right: Hungarian)

Which cover was your favourite? Did you feel they fit well with the book? Let me know in the comments!

Next week: The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda


  1. I haven't read Delirium, so I can't comment on how they fit, but I think the right UK cover with the birds is the best one. The UK cover with the young girl is just bizarre. I was thinking she looks even younger, like 10 or 11. Regardless, she looks way to young for what I do know of the book. The Indonesia cover is pretty, but I have no idea what is going on. It's interesting how one book can have so many covers. Great post!

  2. These are cool and amazing! I had no idea Delirium had sold in so many countries. Awesome for it, ;) I don't really like the covers with faces...especially the one with the 12 year old on it. That seems odd. Besides, I like imagining the characters how I want faces are usually not my favourite on covers. I do like the blue writing ones a lot!

  3. Wow, the Indonesian cover is so cool! I also really like the Dutch cover, but you're right--it does look more like a contemporary novel than a dystopian one.

  4. Cool Idea :)
    I know the german/austrian cover and the englisch one but the rest ist also cool :)
    In the next time I will read Delirium!
    Regards from Austria


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