Top Ten Reading Rooms That Will Make You Drool

I want a home library. You want a home library. Everyone wants a home library. Likelihood is, none of us have a home library as cool as these though. I've labelled them all with one word under the image so you can easily talk about them in the comments. My favourite is corner and when I get it (not if), I will never leave. Never.

Which one is your favourite? Don't forget to link to your TTT!

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  1. Okay, I might have been drooling... those were AWESOME!!! I especially loved the one with the big cushy looking red couch. I could read for hours in nooks like these. :)
    P.S. You forgot the one from Beauty and the Beast. ;)

    1. I didn't forget! I only wanted to post real ones and the Beauty and the Best one is sadly fictional.

  2. I want the cabin library SO BADLY! Oh, my gosh, it looks so bright and cozy and perfect! If I had a book cabin, I would never, ever leave it (except to go buy more books, haha). The stacks library looked cool at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would probably drive me crazy. It would be so hard to keep it neat and organized!

  3. My favorite is window because I would LOVE to have all of that sunlight streaming into my library! I see why your favorite is corner, not sure if I'd be able to leave that spot either!

  4. Yes, yes, yes, yes YEEEEES!!! Yes to all, I would have any or all of those in my house. They just look so beautiful, like every book bloggers dream come true. My favourite is probably Ladder, thay would be heaven for me. I want it, I want it, I want it! Here's my TTT.

  5. I would love any of these. They are all AMAZING! But I think my two favorites are window and corner. They both look like a comfy place to read. And I have always wanted one of those benches in front of the window to sit at and read. Great list!

  6. I love all of them, but my very favorite is the one with the teal wall and brown bench with the window. It just looks bright and comfortable - a perfect nook for reading! I really like the way your TTT graphic matches your blog design, it's darling (as is your design...) Your blog is just too cute! New follower :)

    Megan @ Bookworm in Love

  7. I want all of these (I'm gonna need a big house...) but my favourite is the window reading nook.

  8. I would gladly take any of these!! I think my favorite is the minimalist one. Or the Window one. I'm so jealous of people who have cool libraries like these :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  9. Wow, the nautical one looks AMAZING! I'd give anything to have that in my house! I'd be more than happy with any of them, I just want my own library haha!
    My TTT

  10. Would it be greedy to say I'd like a house big enough to have ALL of these?! But... if I have to choose, it would be between Space, French or Ladder. I love floor-to-ceiling bookcases. Total bookish dream! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier =)

  11. I think the home library is every bloggers dream. It is hard for me to pick ONE but I love them all!

  12. I want ALL the libraries. Yep, definitely drooling. I am in LOVE with the Cabin, but I really, really want that spiral staircase in the Minimalist one. So you know, just go ahead and throw that staircase up in my Cabin library. Please and thank you. If only!

  13. Anonymous10:46 am BST

    Argh. Beautiful. I want them all. A house of books. Yes!

  14. Anonymous12:51 pm BST

    They are all so stunning, if I had pretty much any of those I could die happy.

  15. I love this post! The first three are definitely my favorite. When I get a house one day, having a reading room will HAVE to be a priority. :)

  16. I really love corner and cabin! I love that you tweaked this weeks topic a little bit. One of my guilty pleasures is looking up awesome libraries on the internet!

    I just have to say your blog is absolutely gorgeous! It's really stunning!


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