Stacking The Shelves (20/09/2014)

This week was a lazier week for me. I got a section of my cross stitch project finished, finally finished 1984 and then just read a lot! I read two of my favourite books this year too, which was a nice surprise.

Acquired This Week
I was pretty surprised when I walked past a wool shop this week with Actual Books In It. Four bookshelves in fact filled with books to buy! And the books were only £1 each. After not a lot of digging at all, I found 3 young adult books that I've been wanting, and 3 that I've read that I wanted copies of.

I've read an enjoyed Ashes, but read the galley on NetGalley. Never read What's Left Of Me but I'm excited to own a copy! I love that freaky double face thing.

The UK books for Wither, Fever and Sever are all Ridiculously Large, and I've been wanting to swap them for new UK sized paperback editions for a long time - I still have an oversized copy of Sever but these look great!

*waves arms* I love these covers So Freaking Much. And the spines are so gorgeous I could lick them. Maybe.

Read This Week (Sat 13th - Fri 19th)

1984 felt like it took a century to read, I really detest that book. The rest of the books have been pretty great though, with both The Rain and Panic on my special shelves!


  1. I like the sound of Earth's nice to see some diversity in an MC. I'm intrigued and I'm adding this to wishlist. Enjoy your books!

  2. Great haul this week :-) I recently read The Iron Trial too. It was better than expected for me. I have never read all of 1984. So long and bleh.

    1. 'So long and bleh' is a perfect way to describe 1984 to be honest.

  3. Amazing haul...(and where in England do you live?! London ALWAYS has overpriced books...and even the charity shops who sell books for a pound don't have really popular books...)
    I've read How I Live Now and Meg Rosoff came to my school to do a talk...I didn't really like her book, but what did you think of it?

    1. Leeds, in Yorkshire! I managed to find some good bargains on books when I went to London but not so many in the tourist bit. I enjoyed How I Live Now but hated the writing style - the movie is so much better and one of my favourites.

  4. Anonymous12:58 am BST

    Oh, I hate those huge paperbacks that're roughly the size of hardbacks. Why. I just bought a smaller copy of Steelheart (Brandon Sanderson) -- or rather, got my sister to, and swapped her the large one, since she doesn't mind. They drive me nuts, though. Hurrah for getting better copies!

    My StS.

  5. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy 1984, it's one of my favorites. Congrats on the cheap book score, though! Enjoy them :) My STS.

  6. Gosh you got a lot read!! I've been rather slack (actually I am sort of ish this morning too...I was planning to read while everyone was out, but here I am. Still on the internet. Hehe.) but I did read some HUGE books, so I consider that cool. xD OH! But I would like to read the Wither books! I wasn't a fan of What's Left of Me. I just thought it was a bit meh, but I'm quite fussy sometimes. ;)

  7. Anonymous3:50 am BST

    Fantastic haul this week - and it sounds as though they were all bargains, which is even better! You got so much reading done this week. I haven't even finished one book this week - I'm in a bit of a slump, unfortunately.

  8. OOOh nice! Those are some awesome looking books! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Ohh, I can't wait to read The Rain! I've heard mixed things about Panic, so I'm not too sure about that one yet, the cover calls to me though >.< I really need to read Ashes now. Can't wait to see what you think about What's Left of Me! Happy Reading :)


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