Monthly Update (27/10/2019)

The last time I wrote a weekly update post (over a year ago), I was very clearly drowning and trying to convince myself that I was JUST FINE. Which I why this time I am dropping review requests and NetGalley entirely. Let's see if this works?

Read This Week (and a bit)

As usual I dived into reading head first and excitedly read everything I could get my hands on! I've had The List, Thanks and Rest Of Us on my TBR forever so it felt good to finally get them read. reviews of those will be on my blog soon.

Anticipated November Releases

I'm going to skip having an October wrap up post, it's so close to the end of it. So here's the November releases I can't wait to arrive in my postbox:

 The Starless Sea has a gorgeous US edition which I sincerely wish I had bought. The UK cover is so ugly (it would be better without the shadow man) and it is A TOME. It's already released in the UK in paperback, I really wasn't expecting it to be so freaking big in height. It will be hard to read this without breaking the spine. Expect to see reviews of these books popping over the next month and I'll leave an update about them too.


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