Review of Alchemy And Meggy Swann by Karen Cushman

Meggy Swann arrives in London with her only friend, a goose named Louise, from the country village where she was raised. Meggy’s mother was glad to be rid of her; her father, who sent for her, apparently doesn’t want her after all. The city is awash in dirt and muck, teeming with thieves and rogues, and very wearying to walk around in—especially for Meggy.
She is the alchemist’s daughter, though, and just as her father seeks to transform base metal into gold, Meggy sets out to change her condition for the better. In doing so, she finds herself to be braver and stronger and friendlier than she ever thought possible.

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This book is good but it doesn't stand out. It's a quick story, written as if for children in the Seventies, rather than now. However Karen's writing style is vivid and descriptive and Meggy is an engaging character. The idea of her being a cripple is certainly a unique one and I enjoyed learning how she got around London (slowly). It would be easy to sum this entire story up in one sentence: Meggy Swann moves to London and makes friends. 
Later on she discovers that her Father is making a potion to kill the Baron. Finally, some action! Eh, not really. The book ends with a happy childish ending with everyone singing and dancing around a table. Yes, really.


Received free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review


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