Review of Premonitions by Jude Watson
They weren't the ones who could have stopped her. I could have done
that. I was the one who saw the future. I was the one who let her go.
Grace has premonitions. They've haunted her since before her mother's
death. She never knows whether she's seeing the past, the present, or
the future. She doesn't know how to deal with them, and she doesn't want
to - but the terrifying visions keep coming. Then Grace's best friend
Emily disappears. And suddenly the premonitions she's so scared of are
the only way Grace might be able to save her friend before it's too
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I thought that this book was good but lacking something. Gracie is a character that grows on you slowly, at the beginning I disliked her and only started properly liking her at the end of the book. The idea that see has premonitions is a clever idea, except she sees the past more than the future. She sees her visions rather like Phoebe in Charmed, by touching an object.
The conclusion to this story and the discovery of where Emily really is was a shocking and original idea, one I would have liked to have read more of. The suspense leading up to the discovery of the Kidnapper was definitely worth the read and not someone I would have guessed.
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I thought that this book was good but lacking something. Gracie is a character that grows on you slowly, at the beginning I disliked her and only started properly liking her at the end of the book. The idea that see has premonitions is a clever idea, except she sees the past more than the future. She sees her visions rather like Phoebe in Charmed, by touching an object.
The conclusion to this story and the discovery of where Emily really is was a shocking and original idea, one I would have liked to have read more of. The suspense leading up to the discovery of the Kidnapper was definitely worth the read and not someone I would have guessed.
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