Review of Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison

Bridget Duke is the uncontested ruler of her school. The meanest girl with the biggest secret insecurities. And when new girl Anna Judge arrives, things start to fall apart for Bridget: friends don't worship as attentively, teachers don't fall for her wide-eyed "who me?" look, expulsion looms ahead and the one boy she's always loved—Liam Ward—can barely even look at her anymore.When a desperate Bridget drives too fast and crashes her car, she ends up in limbo, facing everyone she's wronged and walking a few uncomfortable miles in their shoes. Now she has only one chance to make a last impression. Though she might end up dead, she has one last shot at redemption and the chance to right the wrongs she's inflicted on the people who mean the most to her.And Bridget's about to learn that, sometimes, saying you're sorry just isn't enough….

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I started reading this book with no idea what it's about but I wasn't disappointed. Bridget is a character that you should hate but I found myself liking her, because you can understand why she is like she is. Although she displays a her bitchiest side to the World, you can see the girl she used to be more and more as the story progresses. There was a lot of moments where I wanted to step in and say something nice to her friends!
The story of how she got to the point of crashing her car drags a bit, so you have to be patient and wait for the good stuff! When she finally arrives in Limbo and shown what she has done to people, it is well plotted and really keeps you reading until the end. The idea that Bridget has to literally walk in other people's shoes, for me, was hilarious.
This is a perfect Christmas read, A Christmas Carol meets Mean Girls for Teens.


Received free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review


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