Many Covers Monday - Revolution

Welcome to Many Covers Monday! Today we're looking at the many different covers of Jennifer Donnelly's Revolution.

BROOKLYN: Andi Alpers is on the edge. She’s angry at her father for leaving, angry at her mother for not being able to cope, and heartbroken by the loss of her younger brother, Truman. Rage and grief are destroying her. And she’s about to be expelled from Brooklyn Heights’ most prestigious private school when her father intervenes. Now Andi must accompany him to Paris for winter break.

PARIS: Alexandrine Paradis lived over two centuries ago. She dreamed of making her mark on the Paris stage, but a fateful encounter with a doomed prince of France cast her in a tragic role she didn’t want—and couldn’t escape.

Two girls, two centuries apart. One never knowing the other. But when Andi finds Alexandrine’s diary, she recognizes something in her words and is moved to the point of obsession. There’s comfort and distraction for Andi in the journal’s antique pages—until, on a midnight journey through the catacombs of Paris, Alexandrine’s words transcend paper and time, and the past becomes suddenly, terrifyingly present.

 On the right is the UK Hardback edition, which is the copy I have and love. Simplicity rocks! The one on the left is the US edition, hardback also. I like the idea but it seems like they're trying to suggest she's Australian. Bceuase of the upside down thing? No? Okay. *sad face*

Paperbacks this time, UK and then US again! I quite like the UK version, with the chipped nail polish etc but not so much the US as she looks like she likes that key a little TOO much...

French and German now! Although not in that order. German on the left, French on th- okay, okay, I see you've got it. I love the German cover for reasons I do not know. The French have gone with the US Hardbacks cover but made it better. In my opinion, anyway.

What do you think?


  1. My favorite is the US hardback with both portraits on it. In fact, I really like it, and don't like any of the others at all (other than the other that uses the same portraits, of course). I'm not a big fan of models on covers, but I think it really works here because of the style. I love the title that looks like it's printed on a ribbon.

    I still haven't read Revolution yet, but I plan to!

  2. Wow that's a lot of covers for one book! I think my fav is the UK and US paperbacks. I think to figure out which of those two I prefer I'd have to read the book.

  3. I like the UK hardback with the split-cover. (The US one on Row 2, where she looks like she is fantasizing about making out with the key kinda creeps me out.)


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