Review of Wild Weeds by Summer Grey

"Tumbleweed is not a place. It is a none-such place. Look across the baked red, cracked earth of the desert, far across to where the hot white sky seems to wobble around the sweating dreamworld it contains. That is Tumbleweed."

15 year-old Dani never thought she would leave- until an imposter comes to Tumbleweed and takes her friend Bug away. Dani decides to leave her beloved home in order to rescue him, but venturing beyond the walls of Tumbleweed turns out to be more complicated than she thought, and after a fatal car accident, the question is: will she be able to return?

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Wild Weeds is a strange, surreal little book. It's pretty obvious from the start that everything is not quite as it seems and keeps it up until the end where I still wasn't quite sure what happened. I got it, sure but at the same time I felt like it needed a bit more explaining and expanding upon what we were given (Wild Weeds can be read within an hour at 60 pages).

The narrator of our story is Dani, a girl who clearly isn't quite all there from the beginning and I wasn't quite sure whether to believe what she was saying or not. Dani, Dani's boyfriend and a couple of other guys all go on this sort of fairytale adventure, visiting each other's families. There were a couple of scenes in this that confused me and one that simply grossed me out as it didn't quite go with the sleepy, surreal feeling of the story.

I wasn't at all surprised by the ending, I knew exactly what was coming. I would love to now more about Dani as I don't believe that her story is quite finished yet. I'll definitely be looking out for more of Summer Grey's stories in future!


Received free from the author in exchange for an honest review.


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