Stacking The Shelves (02/04/2014)

Last week I did Un-Stacking The Shelves, dedicated not to new books I had, but books I was reading next. However, this week I rummaged madly through my local charity shops and found some seriously cool looking books that I hadn't seen before (although there's two that I have). I think some of these might be new to you too. Something I would like to see on this blog in the future is more unusual books.

I also grabbed another hardback copy of The Rule Of Claw. It's so much better than I thought it would be. Looking at it I honestly thought it was a middle grade about dinosaurs but I haven't even met any dinosaurs and this is definitely a YA. Think apocalyptic, evolution, mutations, new species, danger, jungles, it's all going on and I love it. The cover is gorgeous too, with a scaly, almost snakeskin effect and basically I'm going to post a giveaway for it soon.

(I also grabbed more books than I needed after buying these. I have shame so won't post them)

Meanwhile, have you read Anna Dressed In Blood? I have a giveaway for the ARC going on with barely any entries, so you have a very good chance of winning at the moment. And it's international!

Anthropology by Dan Rhodes
In 101 words each, the 101 witty, haunting stories of Anthropology chronicle the search for love in an age preoccupied with sex. Each story is a pure distillation of heartbreak, longing, delusion, and bliss. Each spins speedily, shockingly, to its unpredictable climax. And each is unlike anything you have read before.
        Anthropology's macabre humor builds imperceptibly, story by story and girlfriend by girlfriend, until it reflects with surreal accuracy how we try to complete ourselves through--or at the expense of--another. Read it to laugh and forget your sorrows; read it to recognize and remember your delights; read it to discover a vivid, provocative new talent.

(Read, review coming next week)
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US)

Hold On by Alan Gibbons
When Annie returns from an extended stay in Canada, she discovers that her friend John has killed himself. Annie is devastated by his death and is determined to confront those she believes responsible—a group of boys from her school, who bullied John mercilessly in the months before he died. But Annie's parents and friends don't share her wish to bring the boys to justice. She finds herself treading a lonely path—and soon discovers that nothing is straightforward. She is helplessly attracted to one of the boys, and when she reads John's diary, it's clear they weren't the only ones to cause him so much unhappiness. The novel tells John's story as a tragic waste of a young life in an unsentimental and compassionate way, but also tells Annie's story about moving on and looking towards the future.
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US)

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
A seventeen-year-old girl wakes from a year-long coma and is told her name is Jenna Fox. She doesn't remember the accident; she doesn't remember her life; she doesn't remember herself. Her parents show her home movies of her past, but is she really the same girl she sees on the screen?
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US

The Mind's Eye by K. C. Finn
At fifteen, Kit Cavendish is one the oldest evacuees to escape London at the start of the Second World War due to a long term illness that sees her stuck in a wheelchair most of the time. But Kit has an extraordinary psychic power: she can put herself into the minds of others, see through their eyes, feel their emotions, even talk to them – though she dares not speak out for fear of her secret ability being exposed.
As Kit settles into her new life in the North Wales village of Bryn Eira Bach, solitude and curiosity encourage her to gain better control of her gift. Until one day her search for information on the developing war leads her to the mind of Henri, a seventeen-year-old Norwegian boy witnessing the German occupation of his beloved city, Oslo. As Henri discovers more about the English girl occupying his mind, the psychic and emotional bonds between them strengthen and Kit guides him through an oppressive and dangerous time.
There are secrets to be uncovered, both at home and abroad, and it’s up to Kit and Henri to come together and fight their own battles in the depths of the world’s greatest war.

(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US)

Not the End of the World by Geraldine McCaughrean
Everyone knows the story of the flood, the men God chose to survive and the animals that went in two by two. But what about the others that sailed on the Ark - the women and the children? This adventure story asks what it was really like when the heavens opened and the world drowned - and what might have happened in the days that followed. With a frighteningly zealous and single-minded Noah; Japheth and his young wife, Zillah, concerned for the welfare of the animals; the stowaway boy and baby found by Noah's daughter Timna; and the animals themselves, continuing to act as animals do, whatever their surroundings, this is an extremely compelling, and at times very frightening story, beautifully written as ever by Geraldine McCaughrean.
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US)

Piper by Meg Harper
Tanith's grandmother tells her a mysterious story that has haunted her family for generations. It is a story without an end, a riddle that she must solve and to do so she must enter the dangerous world of the city, where lone children like her live on the edge, cast out by society. There Tanith meets Crow, a charismatic boy with a band of ragtag kids depending on him for survival. The two are drawn to each other, but there's something strange about Crow and Tanith doesn't trust him with her secret. But maybe Crow has secrets of his own...
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US

Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson
 High school senior Tyler Miller used to be the kind of guy who faded into the background—average student, average looks, average dysfunctional family. But since he got busted for doing graffiti on the school, and spent the summer doing outdoor work to pay for it, he stands out like you wouldn’t believe. His new physique attracts the attention of queen bee Bethany Milbury, who just so happens to be his father’s boss’s daughter, the sister of his biggest enemy—and Tyler’s secret crush. And that sets off a string of events and changes that have Tyler questioning his place in the school, in his family, and in the world.
(Said to be a companion to Speak) 
(Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US)

Where Were You Robert by
Fifteen-year-old Robert is a dreamer: one evening his eyes blur over and he literally disappears. Robert has become a time traveller, but with little control over his ability he seems doomed to wander forever - until he appears in 17th-century Amsterdam and finds a slim chance of returning home.
 (Goodreads ¦ Amazon UK/US

Thanks for reading! Reviews for all of these books should be up soon, I have a lot of books to read but these are definitely at the top of the list! Don't forget to leave me your STS links and if you've reviewed any of these, leave me those links too, I'd love to read them!

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  1. Anonymous8:41 am BST

    Some brilliant looking books there. I've read the Dan Rhodes book. He's a very strange writer! I hope you enjoy these books! :-)

  2. Did you just stay Anna Dressed in Blood??! *dashes off* I actually haven't heard of the rest of these, but they do look good. The End of the World one looks aaaawesome. I love me some apocalyptic stuff.

  3. You're absolutely right, Vickie, I haven't heard of any of these books before, but some of them, like Hold On, The Adoration of Jenna Fox and Not the End of the World look pretty awesome! Good finds.

    I love Anna Dressed in Blood, but I still need to read Girl of Nightmares!

    I hope you'll enjoy your new books, Vickie. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  4. I want to start reviewing more unusual books too. I like reviewing what everyone else is, because usually if the books have a lot of hype, the chances of me liking them are big. But I also don't want to be like everyone else's blogs. I hope that doesn't sound mean! I just want to have more diversity. I haven't heard of any of these, but a few of them look like they may be something I'd find interesting! Hope you enjoy them all!

    1. No, I understand what you mean! I still want to read the books over people are reading but I don't want my blog filled with it. It's one of the reasons I accept self published books.

    2. You know, I've heard a lot of negative things about self published books, but I don't think they're too bad. Do you like most of the ones that you read?

    3. Oh, yes! I've read some really good ones. Of course there's bound to be a few not so good ones out there but not many, about the same as published books.

  5. I've had the Adoration of Jenna Fox on my shelf for ages, but I never seem to pick it up when it comes to deciding what to read next. But I'm determined to read it before the summer! :) Great haul - enjoy your goodies!

  6. Anthropology sounds like a great read. Enjoy them all :) My STS

  7. Nice haul, enjoy them all

    OUT's STS

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

  8. These sounds pretty neat. Found some good treasures.

  9. Okayy haven’t heard of these yet LOL But thanks for sharing. BTW I love what you did to your blog. Super stylish!

    Didn't post my STS yet since I've been busy, but I'll leave a link to my Book Blast Giveaway for you :) (Win up to 5 signed books and more)

  10. Very interesting titles. Some of these sound interesting, even though they may not be my cup of tea. Enjoy your new books.

    Books of Love

  11. Some of these books sound really good! Enjoy!

  12. Haven't heard of most of these, but added a few to my wishlist. Looking forward to your reviews, as they all sound so interesting! Enjoy!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

  13. Wow, you were right, I haven't heard of a lot of these but they all sound quite amazing! Definitely marking a few of these as to-read. Congrats on finding such awesome books! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  14. The Mind's Eye sounds amazing! I haven't heard of any of these before. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by earlier!

  15. There's a companion to Speak?! I think I'll need to read that one. But you're right; I haven't heard of these books. I hope you like them!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  16. oh they're all new to me but they sound really good! happy reading!

  17. Wow, very nice! I haven't heard of all of them, but I definitely am interested. I definitely want to read The Adoration of Jenna Fox, and The Mind's Eye! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for stopping by my STS :)

  18. I really want to read The Adoration of Jenna Fox, I've heard it's really good!

  19. Nice haul! I haven't heard of most of these books but I hope you enjoy :) Thanks for stopping by!

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  20. All the titles are new to me, enjoy your books.
    Thanks for visiting My Stacking the Shelves

  21. I love finding books that I haven't heard of but every time I'm at the store, I have to check Goodreads to see the rating lol Hope you enjoy all of these and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  22. Anonymous9:38 pm BST

    Great stack for this week.

    Hold On, The Adoration Of Jenna Fox and Where Were You Robert are all going on to my Wish List.

    Thanks for visiting.

  23. Anonymous11:47 pm BST

    I think I remember reading Hold On -- my sister wanted me to, since we were both bullied at school. It's a tough one, emotionally!

    I hope you enjoy all these, anyway.

  24. Great haul! I've heard amazing things about The Adoration of Jenna Fox, it does look really interesting. I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.

  25. You were right, I haven't heard of these little booklings but I'm excited to check them out! Thanks for bringing them to my attention, and Happy Reading;)

  26. Great haul! I listened to Jenna Fox and thought it was an interesting read.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm now following you via GFC & Bloglovin' :)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  27. Wow!! Great haul! I hope you enjoy them all!!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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