Curse of the Granville Fortune by Kelly Hashway - Tour Stop/Giveaway

Find the fortune, break the curse!

The hunt is on for an ancient treasure tied to nine-year-old J.B.'s family history. He's been having visions that make him sweaty, lightheaded, and certain he’s turning into some kind of freak—or worse, going insane. But things are worse than he imagined. The visions stem from a family curse. An ancient ancestor was accused of stealing the massive Granville fortune, and now J.B.’s entirely family will suffer.

To break the curse, J.B. must find and return the Granville’s stolen property. But he's not the only one searching for the treasure. As he sets out on his journey through a dark and foreboding forest, he'll battle his worst fears and fight terrifying creatures along the way. And when he meets two others who share the missing pieces of his visions and suffer from the same curse, the three soon realize they need to work together to break the curse before it's too late.


Check out a character profile about Jack! 

Name: Jack Beaumont but he is best known as J.B. because he grew up watching old James Bond movies with this dad, who actually gave him the nickname.
Age: 9
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Ancestry: French descent; his ancestor Jean Beaumont was cursed for stealing the Granville fortune, and now J.B. and his family are suffering from that curse
Major conflict: his family’s curse brings on mind-numbing visions that make J.B. certain he’s going insane
Siblings: J.B. has one sister, Holly, who was born on J.B.’s first birthday. He plays protector to Holly once they embark on a journey inside Braeden Forest.
Favorite pastime: riding his bike
Biggest fear: that he’s losing his mind
Biggest strength: He’s good at figuring out puzzles


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This should be suitable Halloween read this year!

  2. Sounds like a fun book and thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

    New GFC follower

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf


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