Weekly Update (19/05/2018)

We did so much this week it's going to be wild trying to fit it all in, in fact I actually started this on Tuesday night just so I'd remember it all. Hello from the past!

Hello from Friday: This week in a nutshell - instead of going to the zoo for small's 3rd birthday we went to the doctors instead. She has tonsilitus and is hating her antibiotics. I went again today expecting to get my ears syringed to get all the wax out only to discover that there wasn't any. I have Eustachian Tube Dysfuntion and have been given a nose spray that smells like the worst plants ever. Also the headaches I get from it don't help.

Saturday - Bath

On Saturday we went to Bath which is all kinds of beautiful and looks like an actual Jane Austen novel but with buses and tourists? We followed a canal all the way to the incredible Holburne museum because a girl can't resist a gift shop. I did go for a particular exhibition, portraits of stars of the Georgian stage. It was pretty amazing overall, with plenty of art, but weird and wonderful things like Wedgwood miniatures and incredibly elaborate Stumpwork.


This is the view from the museum!



Netta from Israel won this year and although it's been SUPER CONTROVERSIAL for so many reasons she seems like a super nice person and the song is so catchy so I think she was a worthy winner.

Received From NetGalley/Review Requests

Read This Week

I feel slightly disappointed that I didn't get more books read (I usually aim for 4) but on the other hand Goblet Of Fire is 617 pages and Order Of The Phoenix weighs in at 800 pages so I really shouldn't beat myself up about that! I'm already a good 10% into The Half-Blood Prince too, which may be my favourite book in the series (it changes).

And I almost forgot - I'm already half way to my goal of 100 books! If I keep it up I may get to 150 books read this year. Maybe.

Meanwhile On Twitter

Song Of The Week


  1. Ugh. Antibiotics are awful. I know I hated taking them whenever I needed them. Nasty things. And I'm sorry about the headaches. I know how much they suck! Hopefully it gets better and the spray stops causing them.

    Such beautiful pictures! :) I totally don't get the point of the Wish For It button on NetGalley. Like I've never got one wish granted. Lol. I'm super jealous your already halfway to your goal. I'm not. I'm like 4 books behind. But that's actually good news. Only a month ago I was like 10 books behind. So I've shrunk it considerably. I think another week of reading at least 3 or 4 books should get me back on track.

    Hope you enjoy your new books! :)

  2. Oh that definitely doesn't sound like fun times at all! But omg!! Sea Witch!! That is one of my most anticipated reads this summer! I hope you enjoy it!!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh I love your pictures of Bath, so pretty! I went there a couple years ago and I loved it, it really felt like being in a Jane Austen novel, I just loved the city so, so much. Your pictures makes me want to be back there haha :)
    Sea Witch sounds amazing, I hope you'll love it! Happy reading! :D

  4. I'm sorry you little was sick. Here's hoping that the cold season is quickly leaving us, it's been a brutal year here too. And those pictures are beyond gorgeous, love, love, love!!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog


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