Review of The Kill Order by James Dashner

They Thought The End Came In A Flash
Before WICKED was formed, before the Glade was built, before Thomas entered the Maze, sun flares hit the earth, killing most of the population.

The Worst Is Yet to Come
Mark and Trina were there when it happened. They survived. But now a virus is spreading. A virus that fills humans with murderous rage.

There is no cure. No escape.
They’re convinced that there’s a way to save those who are left—if they can stay alive. Because in this new, devastated world, every life has a price. And to some you’re worth more dead than alive.

The End Is Only The Beginning.

Literally the only reason I read this book is because I'm binge reading the whole Maze Runner series just to have done with it, plus I'm genuinely curious about The Fever Code. Here's a jumble of annoyed thoughts!

This one is just massive filler, with the main characters being no-one we know. The whole story is to add some background to the Flare and its origins and somehow manages to make the whole thing even more of a mess than it already was, so well done for that.

Dashner seems to struggle with human emotion. I don't say this flippantly, I'm over a thousand pages into his writing and can confidently say that he really struggles. When it comes to romance he doesn't know how to build it up properly, or what to do when the two characters are together, so he separates them quickly. See Thomas and Teresa in all 3 of the previous books, especially The Scorch Trials. Mark and Trina are almost exactly the same. They're an established couple at the start but Dashner quickly separated them. His death scenes lack any real emotion too.

Another issue I has was repeated ideas, sentences and plot devices. Alec and Mark being separated from DeeDee, Trina and I don't know, Llama? and ending up on a Berg felt very much like book 3. Mark/Thomas might as well be the same person and they get hit on the head A LOT. Also most of the female cranks like to show off their very white teeth.

I did think that my inability to remember the characters that were getting killed off was my own fault for not being invested in the book until I read the other reviews - looks like everyone had the same problem.

The big reveal? Wow! I'm so surprised! I totally didn't get that the moment they were introduced!
Come on do I look like a big dumb doodoo head. Seriously.


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